Over Term 2, Greenvale Primary School students have been representing the school at various Cross Country events. Our Cross Country team was made up of 47 students who qualified through our Cross Country day held in Term 1. They qualified for the Greenvale District Cross Country Day held at Brimbank Park on the 12th of May. From that event, if a student finished in the top 10 of their race they qualified for the DIvision Cross Country Day. Here is a few snaps from that day.




Greenvale Primary School had 18 students qualify for the Division Cross Country Finals, this was held up at Kilmore Racing Club on Tuedsay 30th of May. All our students did a fantastic job in their races, representing the school well and showing great respect to their opponents. These are the results from the day and some photos, the students bolded have qualfiied for the Region Cross Country back at Kilmore on Wednesday 14th of June.

10 Girls – Sophia Elbouch 34th, Vanessa Demicoli 36th, Abbey Richards 38th.

10 Boys – Archie Grigorakis 31st, Ugurcan Cayrak 22nd, Leo Georgeades 38th.

11 Girls – Layla Gomez-Sankari 2nd, Rana Arslan 8th, Sara Nabulsi 33rd, Hannah Soubjaki 34th

11 Boys – Adam Hijazi 27th, Nasser Mourad 32nd

12 Girls – Hayley Miller 14th

12 Boys – David Antonello 4th, Ahmed Kassem 9th, Rivaldo Khosoba 22nd, Adam Elbouch 26th, Elijah Carton 34th


Region Cross Country

We had 4 students qualified for the North Metro Region Cross Country event. Greenvale Primary School is proud of their efforts and to make it to this level is a fantastic achievement. Well done to Layla Gomez-Sankari 24th 11 yr old girls, Rana Arslan 52nd 11 year old girls, David Antonello 39th 12 year old boys and Ahmed Kassem 45th 12 yr old boys. Awesome effort!