School Profile & Virtual Tour
About us
School Profile
Officially opened in 1868 and situated on Somerton Road, Greenvale Primary School relocated to its present site in Bradford Avenue in April 1988, retaining the original identity number and its historical links. The school services a large area incorporating the surrounding suburban and rural districts. Current enrolment is approximately 710 students with high enrolments expected to be maintained in the immediate future. This school comprises a wide socio-economic and increasingly diverse cultural mix.
Greenvale Primary School is a dynamic learning community offering a broad, rigorous curriculum from Foundation to Year Six. Classroom programs are progressive and personalised, catering to each child’s needs, encouraging parental involvement and promoting active learning. The school has high but achievable student expectations with student progress being monitored regularly and this information is used to inform teaching practice.
The school is committed to keeping abreast of current educational trends and developments and strives to achieve quality educational practice. The current strategic goals aim to facilitate continuous improvements in student outcomes with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy. Professional learning of staff is clearly linked to the strategic directions of the school with the intent of enhancing teacher capacity. Teachers work collaboratively in teams to plan a consistent, rigorous curriculum and use student learning data to drive this planning. Our staff are passionate about their teaching and encourage all students to strive to achieve their best with their learning and social skills. Our aim is to develop confident and resilient students through the provision of a diverse range of learning experiences and challenges which encourage curiosity, excitement for learning, thirst for knowledge and connectedness to their community.

Students are supported through a Reading Intervention program, a Program for Students with Disabilities, a Buddy Reading program, and an EAL program. Specialist programs include Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Italian. A number of extra-curricular activities, including choir, lunchtime activities, camping and excursion programs are in place to enhance student learning and engagement.
Our school has a well-established 1:1 tablet program for all students in Year 4 to Year 6 with an average uptake of 95%. This program has made a significant impact on the learning/teaching in these year levels and also impacted positively on student engagement. Foundation students have access to banks of iPads and Year 1-3 students have access to banks of tablets. Each classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard or TV screen each with its own dedicated computer. The use of ICT has been greatly enhanced through student and teacher use of collaborative programs such as Edublogs, Edmodo and Office 365.
Greenvale Primary School prides itself in providing a safe and orderly learning environment, one which is inclusive of all students. The school values of Honesty, Learning, Responsibility, Resilience and Respect form the basis of our school expectations for students, staff, and parents. The Student Wellbeing curriculum encompasses the Bounce Back program, Anti-bully education, and Restorative Practices.
To promote leadership opportunities students are able to be part of the Junior School Council or be elected as School Captains, Class Captains, and House Captains. The Junior School Council contributes to school improvement through running special events to promote social improvement and our School Captains are directly involved in leading weekly whole school assemblies. Class Captains are elected each term by their peers and play a significant role in assisting the class teacher and being a positive role model. Our Buddy Program allows older students to demonstrate their leadership by working together with a younger student.

Our caring atmosphere reinforces mutual respect, promotes self-esteem and enhances the cohesive nature of the school where a positive home/school relationship is highly regarded. Our Parents in Partnership strategy places a strong emphasis on building community participation. Parents are encouraged to play an active role in the education of their children. Parents participate in whole school events including a Family Picnic, Family Maths Fun Nights, Christmas Concert, Writer’s Festival, and biennial Art Show and School Concert. Parents are encouraged to participate in activities such as classroom helpers, excursions, camps, lunchtime activities, school council, and fundraising. Our School Council contributes to many aspects of the school including policy development, buildings and grounds improvements and fundraising.
Our school offers a before and after school care program. Outside organisations including community groups and clubs are encouraged to use the school facilities and provide activities such as dance, chess, music, and sports.
Look Around
Virtual Tour
We’ve put together this video which we think will provide you a better ‘feel’ for our school.
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Greenvale Primary School is committed to providing a safe environment for all children.
- We believe all children have a right to feel safe and to be safe.
- We have zero tolerance for child abuse.
- We actively work to listen to and empower children.
- We have systems to protect children from abuse.
- We are committed to promoting cultural safety for all children from all culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.