This year the students in years 3-6 have learnt about Earth and Space Science and Physical Science.
During the first half of term 1, the students in years 5 and 6 have been learning about the sun and our solar system. They learnt about the first astronomers and which significant people contributed to the development of the telescope. The students explored the origin of the universe and investigated the sun and planets. They continued to explore how long each planet took to orbit the sun and compared the size and distance of the planets using models. The students also investigated the inner planet orbital rotations around the sun.
Ozo goes to the Solar System
Azra 6DW
The second half of the term saw the students in years 5 and 6 explore natural disasters and how they affect people and the environment. Students had learner agency when deciding upon which topic they wanted to research and produce a news report on. After producing their news report, each student completed a self-assessment and reflection.
Examples of student news reports:
Sienna 6JW
Emily 5/6C