Month: September 2022
Year 3 Information Report

Year 3 Information Report

Over Term 3, the Year 3 students have been working incredibly hard in Writing to create their own Information Report. As a link to our Inquiry topic this term of ‘More than Meets the Eye’ students choose an Inventor of their choice to research information and facts to...

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Schools for Nature Update

In 2020, our current year 6 students were involved in the Schools for Nature garden project. I am happy to say that with the assistance of Miss Costa, Joe and the gardening club, we have installed some bee and bug hotels throughout the school. These were made by the...

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Term 3 Visual Arts

Term 3 Visual Arts

The F-2 students have had a busy term in the Art Room! We have focused on drawing, painting and collage to create mixed media artworks. We also experimented with the skills and techniques of modelling with clay. Foundation Clay Caterpillars. We learnt to roll, cut,...

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