
Mary Spiteri, our Canteen operator, has now gone online with Qkr! for all canteen lunch orders. Our school canteen can be found on the Qkr! app (available for AppleAndroid or to use online).

Qkr! lunch orders must be placed by 9am. Lunch orders after this time are not submitted, and therefore cannot be processed.

Qkr! is a safe secure, reliable way to pay for school lunch orders. Your eReceipt is confirmation that your order has been placed. 

You can order lunches up to 2 weeks ahead and you can also save time by copying food orders from the current week to the next. This is a handy way to save time and quickly re-order your child’s favourite lunch orders.

If you need to cancel a lunch order this will be refunded as a credit on Qkr! for future canteen orders. The value of any outstanding canteen credits will be automatically deducted from your next Qkr! canteen order. Cancellations must be done before the cut-off time on the day of your order.

Why not download the app today and take a look at our school on Qkr! All feedback to the school office is very welcome.

Update: Phoned in, late lunch orders and emergency lunch order will no longer have access to the full menu. Students will be provided with a vegemite or cheese sandwich. Students will also be given a note with the amount owed. Parents can then either pay on Qkr! or return money directly to the canteen.

The current lunch order menu will now always be available via Qkr!